Rope4 Outdoor Education was formally invited by the Nepal Embassy in Dhaka to present Rope4 and Mission Himalaya activities at front of The Ambassador His Excellency Dr. Banshidhar Mishra and Counselor Mr. Dhan B Oli.

Rope4 Chairman Ms. Marufa Haque presented the details about the formation and the story behind it! She also explained the major activities and projects of Rope4. The Ambassador along with His Officials asked questions to know about the future planning and goal of Rope4. 

Rope4 in Nepal Embassy

Rope4 and Mission Himalaya team in Nepal Embassy Dhaka

Rope4 representative explains the yearly youth development initiative Mission Himalaya and it’s operational modalities. Two Winners from Mission Himalaya 2019 were present in the Nepal Embassy and expressed their thoughts about the initiative. “Going to a high altitude snowy mountain was a dream and  Rope4 fulfilled that dream into reality for free through Mission Himalaya initiative” mentioned by Ms. Hiba Sharafuddin who has reached the top of Yala Peak under the banner of Mission Himalaya 2019 as a Winner! 

His Excellency was happy to know about Rope4 that is the only organization is working for youth development and through positive adventure activities like Mountaineering! 

Rope4 would like to be associated with Visit Nepal 2020 through Mission Himalaya 2020 and The high Officials of the Embassy assured to collaborate with Rope4 in near future! Rope4 wishes to contribute to the friendship between Himalaya and the Bay of Bengal!