Rope4 Champs rock in Climbing!
Rope4 organizes Rock Climbing Course in December each year in collaboration with a local Adventure Club in India. This course consists of the following segments:
- Adventure Course for school students
- Basic Rock-Climbing Course
- Advance, Rock-Climbing Course (who has successfully completed basic course earlier)
- Method of Instruction (who has successfully completed Advance curse)
- Observer (for mainly Gurdians)
Students as well as Professionals and Gurdians participate in this course.
In the year 2023, a total of 14 participated in different sections of the Course. This time Rope4 collaborated with the Pioneer Adventurers for the second time to organize the course.
The course is organized in Purulia, which is the western most district of West Bengal. The place is known for its exquisite natural beauty. The rugged, undulating landscape is interspersed with many rivers and dams. It has the Ayodhya hills as well as dense forests. Gajaburu Hill is the next best thing to paradise, for rock climbers. The Gajaburu slopes are hard, rough and tough which will provide a welcome challenge to Climbers looking for a spot of thrill and adventure while camping.
The course is designed to have a basic and advance learning of Rock Climbing. There are theoretical explanation and practical demonstrations of every aspect of climbing by the Certified Instructors.
Rope4 is proud to announce that from the Basic Rock-Climbing participants, Ahoshanuzzaman Toukir from Bangladesh stood the best Technical Climber in the Course.
Mohammad Abrarul Amin from the Advance Rock-Climbing participants, stood the best Technical Climber in the Course.
Rope4 is very proud of Toukir and Arnob!
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